Round Bottom Flask Filled With Photoshop Potion

Hello everybody in todays tutorial I'll be showing you how to create a round bottom flask filled with potion from scratch using photoshop. Let get started...

What We’ll Be Creating

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial


Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 800×600 pixels with any colored background, set your foreground color to #131313 and background color to #131313. Select the “Gradient Tool” (G) with a radial gradient.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Once you’ve selected the radial gradient drag a gradient over your canvas starting from the middle dragging outwards. Now go to “Filter > Noise > Add Noise”, follow the settings below.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Your document should look like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Drawing The Flask

Select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then apply the following settings.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Now drag out an ellipse onto your canvas.

Quick Tip:

When dragging out the path onto your canvas hold down the Shift Key on the keyboard, doing this will ensure your ellipse is 100% round.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Select the “Pen Tool” (P) then change the options on the tool bar at the top to the following.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

If the options on the tool bar are unavailable make sure you select the vector mask in the layers window. Once you’ve changed the options draw the neck of the flask joining it on the ellipse. My path is shown as the black line in the image below.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Now add the following layer styles to your layer, also rename your layer “Flask”.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Your flask should now look like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Creating The Flask Top

Select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then add an ellipse at the top of your flask.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Rename your ellipse layer “Top 1” then duplicate it, rename the duplicated layer “Top 2” then drag it underneath the original. Select the “Move Tool” (V) and move the duplicated ellipse down, select the “Rectangle Tool” (U) then join the two ellipse’s together. Make sure you select the vector mask before adding the rectangle to the ellipse path.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Add the following layer styles to your “Top 1” layer.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Now add the following layer styles to your “Top 2” layer.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Once you’ve added the layer styles to your “Top 2” layer change the color of the vector mask by double clicking it from the layers window.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

You should now have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Finally select the color #28292d then draw an ellipse over the “Top 1” layer.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Label your last ellipse layer “Top”.

Creating The Magic Potion

Select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then draw an ellipse inside of your flask. Select the “Rectangle Tool” (U), change the options in the options tool bar to subtract path from area then draw a rectangle over half of the ellipse.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Drag the layer underneath your “Flask” layer” if it isn’t already then rename it to “Potion Bottom”. Now add the following layer styles.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

You should have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Lets now create the top part of our magic potion, select the “Ellipse Tool” (U) then drag out a big ellipse about 340px by 340px any where on your canvas.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Add a gradient overlay to your big ellipse using the settings below.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Right click your big ellipse layer then select “Convert To Smart Object” from the list. Now rename your layer “Potion Top”.

Quick Tip:

Smart Objects are layers that contain image data from raster or vector images, such as Photoshop or Illustrator files. Smart Objects preserve an image’s source content with all its original characteristics, enabling you to perform nondestructive editing to the layer.

“Free Transform” (Ctrl + T) your “Potion Top” layer so it sits on top of your “Potion Bottom” Layer.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Finally add an outer glow to your “Potion Top” layer using the settings below.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

You should have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Creating The Bubbles

Select the “Brush Tool” (B) then open the brush window (F5). Select a round brush with a radius of 10px, then apply the following settings.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial
Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Create a new layer and name it “Bubbles”, then with the “Brush Tool” (B) selected brush some bubbles in the potion. Once your happy with your result set the opacity of the bubbles layer to around 22%.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Add a layer mask to your bubbles layer then drag a linear gradient from the bottom of the bubbles upwards, your looking for the bubbles to less visible towards the bottom. You should have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Adding The Flask Shadow

Select the “Elliptical Marquee Tool” (M) then drag out a small ellipse selection underneath the flask. Once the selection has been made create a new layer above your background layer and rename it “Shadow”, fill (G) your selection with the color black #000000 then deselect the selection (Ctrl + D). Blur the ellipse using the guassian blur filter “Filter > Blur > Guassian Blur” blur by 3px then finally set the opacity of the ellipse to 36%.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Adding The Flask Shininess

Duplicate your “Flask Layer” then rename the duplicated layer “Flask Shine”. Right click your duplicated layer and select “Clear Layer Styles” from the menu. Now press (Ctrl + T) for the free transform tool then resize the flask by dragging one of the corner anchor points.

Quick Tip:

Holding down the shift key and alt key on the keyboard whilst resizing the shape will resize the shape from the middle.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Once you’ve resized the duplicated flask layer set the opacity to 4%. Now add a layer mask to the layer and drag a linear gradient over the neck of the flask. You should have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Duplicate your flask layer once more then rename this layer to “Shine Side”. Right click your duplicated layer and select “Clear Layer Styles” from the menu. Select the “Move Tool” (V) then using the arrow keys on the keyboard shift the flask shape to the left, the more the flask is shifted over to the left the bigger the shine will be.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Right click the duplicated layer and now select “Rasterize” from the menu. Load a selection around your original flask layer then hit the delete key.

Quick Tip:

To load a selection around an element click the little thumbnail inside of your desired layer whilst holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard.

Select the “Move Tool” (V) then move whats left of the flask back over so it lye’s over the edge of the glass flask.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

Now set the layers opacity to about 9%. If you wish you can repeat the steps above to make the glass more shiny, you should have something like this.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial


Thanks for taking the time to try this tutorial, I’ll look forward to your results & comments.

Round Bottom Potion Flask Tutorial

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About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.