How To Identify A Font From An Image In Canva?

If your job revolves around content creation, Canva makes your work easier. The tool houses a wide variety of themes, fonts, and images that you can easily customize to suit your brand.

However, there could be times when you come across someone’s Canva design and instantly fall in love with the font used. You get so fascinated with it that you want to replicate it in your design.

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15 Best Arabic Fonts On Canva

One of the things that make your designs appealing, especially for your audience, is your choice of font. Aside from ensuring that it blends with the design theme, it should also feel relatable to your audience.

If you’re addressing Arabic-speaking people, for instance, it’s best to use Arabic fonts because they will connect better. The same applies if you’re working with brands based in places where Arabic is used.

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