Easy Side Hustles You Can Do With ChatGPT In 2024 – Up To $15k Per Month

Since it was first released in November, 2022, ChatGPT has become popular for its powerful capabilities across many industries.

Driven by powerful machine learning and natural language processing algorithms, it can produce content, generate code, write resumes, and do a lot more.

Smart entrepreneurs have come to realize the potential ChatGPT has for generating income. It can reduce the amount of time they would need to spend on a task by cutting out much of the human work required, allowing them to increase their productivity and earn more money.

Here are 10 side hustles you can do with ChatGPT to earn a full-time or part-time income online.

Quick Summary

ChatGPT can assist you to do the following with aplomb.

  1. Editing and fact-checking AI-generated content
  2. Generating codes and scripts to build basic apps or browser extensions
  3. Writing YouTube or podcast scripts
  4. Offering resume and cover letter writing services
  5. Producing designs and slogans for print on demand
  6. Publishing books on Amazon Kindle
  7. Managing social media for small businesses
  8. Building ecommerce sites or affiliate blogs and selling them
  9. Becoming a freelance prompt engineer
  10. Starting a translation service backed by AI

Read on for the full details!

10 Easy Side Hustles You Can Do With ChatGPT — Up to $15k Per Month

1. AI Content Editing and Fact-Checking

ChatGPT is best known for its ability to generate articles, essays, and blog posts. One way to use ChatGPT to build a side hustle is to offer AI editing services.

A disclaimer is needed here. While ChatGPT is able to produce content, it’s important to be aware of its limitations.

Often, the content it produces sounds generic, and to experienced writers and web readers, it’s obvious when content is produced by AI. It regularly misses out on human syntax and fails to properly engage with readers.

For example, it frequently fails to talk directly to the reader and fails to use second person (using words like “you” and “your”) when appropriate. It overuses passive voice and clichés in its writing as well.

Not only that, but ChatGPT can even make up facts, which can be disastrous in certain niches, such as the medical and legal fields.

Finally, it’s critical not to mislead clients. Clients who are paying for human content don’t want ChatGPT content, which they can produce for free.

So, how does ChatGPT come into the picture when it comes to offering content services?

Many clients want to save money by using ChatGPT to produce content, but they are aware of its limitations.

So, they create content with ChatGPT on topics they want to post about. However, they still need human editors to touch up and edit the AI-produced content to make it more engaging to readers, just like they might need an editor to edit a human writer’s content.

This process is often cheaper and faster than paying an experienced writer to write content from scratch.

That’s where you come in. Some of your tasks as an AI editor may include:

  • Inputting additional prompts instructing ChatGPT to refine outputted texts or certain portions of the text (yes, you can use ChatGPT for this)
  • Fact-checking AI-produced content
  • Finding legitimate sources for factual content or statistics mentioned
  • Adding human syntax and improving the flow to better connect with readers and introduce human emotions such as empathy
  • Adding additional content, when necessary
  • Adding updated statistics and news stories that ChatGPT does not have access to

ChatGPT is bad at providing updated sources, information about news events, and statistics, as it only has access to web content published up to a certain date (this date changes periodically), and it frequently gives 404 links as sources.

ChatGPT Plus now includes updated web browsing, but it requires an additional monthly payment, which many people can’t afford.

As you can see, editing AI content involves work.

Content creation with ChatGPT is not as simple as copying and pasting whatever ChatGPT spits out, because it’s often low-quality content that requires further editing.

That’s why many clients who were previously excited about AI are now realizing that it’s not enough and turning to human editors to edit the AI content.

2. Creating Simple Apps or Extensions

Not everyone knows this, but ChatGPT is capable of writing code. While it’s still limited in its capabilities, and it might contain errors, it’s often good enough for creating simple apps and browser extensions.

If you don’t have any coding knowledge, this might not be the path for you. You should be able to audit the code and correct any errors.

However, if you know how to code but want to save time, you can use ChatGPT to create Chrome extensions or simple apps. Then, publish the apps on the app stores and monetize them with ads or optional upgrades.

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3. Create YouTube/Podcast Scripts

YouTube content creation required a lot of advance planning. The same goes for podcasts.

You need to create a script that will engage watchers or listeners and include topics that will excite them. It’s not as easy as simply hopping in front of the camera or microphone and saying whatever comes to mind, because you’ll go off on a tangent and run out of topics to talk about.

That’s why YouTubers and podcasters create scripts.

Script writing is an entirely different beast than content writing.

It requires not only research into what the target audience is interested in but a lot of creativity. You can’t just copy whatever everyone else is talking about, because you need to be unique.

YouTubers and podcasters often hire scriptwriters to work for them on a contract or freelance basis. You can use ChatGPT to help you write those scripts, but you will still need to be creative, add your own ideas into the mix, and touch up the generated scripts.

Alternatively, you can start your own podcast or YouTube channel, using ChatGPT to generate scripts for you.

Also Read: ChatGPT vs Stockfish

4. Help People Apply for Jobs (Write Resumes and Cover Letters)

Regardless of the state of the economy, there will always be plenty of jobseekers looking for employment. You can use ChatGPT to help them, for a price.

There are a few things jobseekers generally need help with:

  • Searching through job sites to find relevant jobs that match their experience
  • Filling out applications to those job posts
  • Writing or editing resumes
  • Writing cover letters optimized for each job description they are applying to

ChatGPT might not be so good for the first two tasks, as it requires the use of filters on job sites like Indeed and manually filling out applications. However, you can offer those services manually at an additional cost, bundled in with your resume and cover letter writing services.

What ChatGPT is good at is writing resumes and cover letters. By inputting someone’s experience, credentials, and skills, ChatGPT can create a beautiful resume that will catch the attention of potential employers.

The more details you can give ChatGPT about the applicant, the better!

Next, you can use ChatGPT to generate cover letters for each job post. Simply copy and paste the job listing and input it into ChatGPT, asking the chatbot to generate a cover letter that not only addresses the job requirements but also factors in the applicant’s relevant skills and experience.

5. AI-Driven Print on Demand

ChatGPT can be used, in conjunction with other AI tools, to create artistic patterns and images that you can then upload to print on demand sites.

Print on demand is a business model in which you sell t-shirts, mugs, caps, and other merchandise but without investing in any stock or production costs. You simply upload a design or logo, and the print on demand platform will print it on a t-shirt or any other item whenever an order comes in.

Then, the platform will ship the finished product to the customer and take a share of the profit.

ChatGPT Plus now has DALL-E, an AI image creation tool, built in. However, you can also use an AI art generation tool like Gencraft or Creative Fabrica Spark.

First, go to ChatGPT and ask it to generate ideas for arts, patterns, or designs. Then, input these designs into one of the tools mentioned above (if you’re not using ChatGPT Plus) to generate the designs.

Upload them to print on demand companies like Spring (formerly Teespring) or Printful. It’s as easy as that!

If you want to sell t-shirts with slogans, you can ask ChatGPT to generate some funny, humorous, and creative slogans for you.

6. Writing Ebooks for Kindle Direct Publishing

Kindle Direct Publishing is a platform by Amazon that allows anyone to self-publish ebooks.

Some authors write their own books, but many others outsource the ebook writing process to ghostwriters. Nowadays, though, a lot of entrepreneurs are simply creating ebooks with ChatGPT.

Since ChatGPT is free to use, there’s no cost involved. Even if you price an ebook at just $0.99, it’s pure profit.

If you ask ChatGPT to write the entire ebook for you in one go, it might give you a very short and limited ebook. Instead, here is the process I recommend:

  • Ask ChatGPT to create an outline for your ebook, including a table of contents.
  • Once it has generated chapter titles, ask it to generate each chapter separately. You can break that down even further by adding subheadings.
  • Review and edit your ebook before publishing it on Amazon Kindle.

It’s not difficult, and it’s passive income!

7. Social Media Marketing

ChatGPT can also help you become a social media manager. It can generate tweets, captions, quotes, Facebook posts, and more!

Just be specific when asking it to generate content, because some platforms may have character limits. You can even ask it to incorporate hashtags.

In addition to copy, it can give ideas for what to post. For example, you can ask it for ideas of photos you should post on Instagram or topics you should cover in your Facebook Live streams.

If you want to offer social media marketing and management services to small businesses, ChatGPT is an invaluable tool.

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8. Build and Sell Blogs or Ecommerce Websites

Another great side hustle is building and selling websites. This side hustle requires some basic WordPress skills.

You’ll start by choosing a hosting provider and setting up a WordPress site. You’ll need to purchase a domain name and pay for a hosting plan, so there are some upfront costs.

Then, you’ll populate the site with content. This would normally take a lot of work, but with the help of ChatGPT, it will be a lot easier and less time-consuming.

ChatGPT can help you generate:

  • Blog posts
  • Sales pages
  • Landing pages
  • About pages
  • Privacy policies

You can create 20 blog posts, for example, and schedule them to be published in advance.

Once the site is built, find a way to monetize it. You can add affiliate links or join an advertising network that will pay you to put ads on your site.

Finally, the last step would be selling the site to buyers who want a done-for-you business. A single site could sell for $500-3,000, depending on the niche and how many visitors it is already getting.

An alternative to creating and selling a blog would be creating a Shopify dropshipping store. In this case, you would ask ChatGPT to give you product ideas and then find relevant products from Alibaba or AliExpress and post them on your site.

Then, you would use ChatGPT to create product descriptions. Finally, sell the site to buyers who want a done-for-you ecommerce store.

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9. Become a Prompt Engineer

A lot of content and marketing agencies are currently looking for ChatGPT experts to harness the true power of ChatGPT. These experts are also known as prompt engineers.

ChatGPT can produce very useful output, but you have to become good at telling it what to do. It’s simply a tool, a machine that can be used, but it can’t read your thoughts.

Anyone can tell ChatGPT to “produce a blog post explaining five benefits of early morning yoga.” However, the output will likely be generic and not that different from all the other AI-generated content out there.

A prompt engineer is an expert at inputting prompts into ChatGPT and telling it exactly what it needs to do, whether that’s producing web content, creating sales pages, generating social media content, responding to internet comments, or writing code.

Prompt engineers can be hired in-house, or they can be freelancers. Either way, their roles are not the same as AI editors, as there is usually another dedicated team taking care of that (the editing part is still very necessary).

Their role is simply helping their clients making the most out of ChatGPT by becoming experts at honing the prompts they give to the chatbot. Not everyone knows this, but you can even tell ChatGPT to refine its prior results by giving it feedback, another skill prompt engineers are excellent at.

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10. Offer Translation Services

ChatGPT has many hidden capabilities, and one of them is its built-in translation feature.

You can input text in one language and get its translated output. ChatGPT can translate to and from dozens of languages!

You do need to be bilingual to do this, because like any other AI translator tool (such as Google Translate), ChatGPT can make translation errors. In addition, slang words and natural syntax in a certain language may be lost on it.

However, it’s still a great tool to speed up translation, and it allows you to input long texts, while other machine-assisted translation tools might limit you in the number of words you can use at once.

By using ChatGPT for translation, you can quickly translate texts and make decent money. If you get enough clients, you can even start a translation agency and outsource all the work to freelancers.

Before handing in the results, though, make sure to proofread them and ensure they are translated correctly!

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it’s important to use it wisely. Never mislead clients about its use; that often results in mismanaged expectations and unsatisfied customers.

In addition, it’s critical to realize the limitations of AI. While it’s powerful and continually improving, there are certain things it just can’t do, and your role as a human is to fill in those gaps.

I hope you enjoyed this list. Good luck!

About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.