One of your main goals in every interview is to create a first impression and convince your prospective employer that you’re the right person for the job.
The best way to nail this and avoid sounding conceited or desperate is to highlight your strengths and how they align with the job you’re currently interviewing for.
Your interviewer needs to know how you’ll be a great asset and what value you bring to the organization.
In identifying your personal strengths, you should consider tasks or actions you have taken in the past. It could be your achievements in your last place of work goals you have smashed or areas in your life you have excelled on.
Make sure that the personal strengths you’re highlighting are not only required for the job but also adaptable. Also, give examples of how you applied those strengths to achieve your goals or carry out tasks in your previous job.
This article captures the best personal strengths and examples most employers seek. Hopefully, you’ll see the ones that align with you and will benefit your prospective job.
Without much ado, let’s get started!
Best Personal Strengths Lists and Examples
1. Quality-conscious
No doubt, everyone makes a mistake once in a while. It’s part of life. However, repeating the same mistake over and over again is never acceptable in any place of work.
Being accurate means you take adequate time to perform tasks and deliver error-free results. This skill is a requirement for every employee no matter the position you’re applying for.
A quality-conscious approach reflects in your deliveries and helps you gain accolades in the long run.
Image by Christina Morillo via Pexels
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2. Adaptable
An adaptable person is someone who can easily bend to adjust to new conditions or circumstances. That means, whenever there is any change in the workplace, you’ll easily flow with the change, carrying on your duties as if nothing happened.
When speaking to your interviewer, let them know that your adaptable trait showcases your resourcefulness, high productivity level, and leadership skills.
3. Action-Oriented
It’s one thing to make decisions. It’s another to implement decisions. Being action-oriented means taking initiative and solving problems.
Employers appreciate this skill a lot because you’re not one to be micromanaged. You will be very creative and efficient in the organization.
4. Analytical
You’re a perfectionist. In the face of problems or challenges, you are driven by curiosity to find solutions.
You don’t judge based on assumptions, rather, you question everything and analyze information until you arrive at the best logical answer.
Image by Christina Morillo via Pexels
5. Honest
You have arrived at this level of self-awareness and confidence that you always stay true to your values and personality regardless of the situation you find yourself in.
You’re not so desperate to be liked by everyone, so will unapologetically express yourself, and at the same time respect your colleagues and employers.
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6. Communicative
Articulating your ideas and interacting with people is never a problem for you. You do it with so much ease and grace no matter who the person is.
It’s easy to manage a team with this skill because you will always carry everyone along to ensure they are on the same page.
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7. Decisive
Spending so much time going back and forth on deliberations tires you especially when you’re not making any headway. Because you don’t take forever to make up your mind and usually stick to what you decided, you will likely do well in a leadership role.
As long as you have the necessary facts and solicited people’s options, you’ll go ahead with a decision and stand by it. That way, more goals are achieved and plans executed.
8. Devoted
Once you have set your mind on achieving a goal, you focus exclusively on it until it’s achieved. Since you’re goal-oriented, you don’t mind going through hurdles, and taking no days off until you hit your target.
You will inspire your colleagues and team members which in turn will help the company record more successes.
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9. Charismatic
Attracting and winning people comes so easily to you making you a perfect choice for any leadership role. You gracefully persuade people, according to each the needed respect, while instilling in them a deeper level of commitment and trust.
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10. Creative
Your imagination is so wild that you easily invent unique solutions and ideas to problems and challenges, boosting your productivity level. You think outside the box, take initiative, and rarely wait for anyone to tell you what to do.
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11. Detail-Oriented
While working on your task, no error goes unnoticed. Because you give your tasks undivided attention, spotting mistakes and making the necessary changes before they escalate to bigger problems is easy.
Your attention to detail also means you will always produce accurate, high-quality work with little or no supervision.
12. Hard-working
During your interview, you should let your prospective employer know that you are diligent and put maximum effort into delivering tasks. Your devotion and commitment also mean you take your self-growth and career advancement seriously and can grow with the company.
13. Resilient
You are tenacious and don’t give up easily no matter how challenging a situation can be or the barriers along the way. Failures or mistakes don’t deter you. Rather you see them as an opportunity to learn.
You keep pushing through, getting right back up after every fall, and restrategizing if need be until a project has been completed.
Image by Christina Morillo via Pexels
14. Teamplayer
Being team-oriented means working well with others and understanding the importance of collaboration in projects or tasks. You focus on your teammates, their welfare, and opinions while still looking out for yourself.
It also means you are flexible and operate with an open mind.
15. Inquisitive
Your mind is always active and eager to acquire new knowledge and information. You are inclined to ask a lot of questions and search for answers.
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16. Strategic
It means you are fundamentally forward-thinking. You have a knack for setting clear goals, plans, and new ideas after painstakingly analyzing the threats and vulnerabilities involved.
Because you’re strategic, you don’t wait to be told what to do. You also think long-term and continuously initiate new projects and ideas.
17. Teachable
Employers want to know how desirous you are about absorbing new information, especially regarding your new job descriptions. Let them know how much you strive to grow and how you ask for feedback and respond to it.
Sure, you know that you’re knowledgeable and good at what you do, but you see others’ opinions as important in your learning curve. You keep an open mind, always asking for help and ways to improve.
18. Punctual
You do things at the right time, keep to appointments, and meet deadlines. This means that you’ll make a reliable and trustworthy employee.
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19. Risk taker
You are adventurous, ready, and willing to go the extra mile, not minding how dangerous it might be, to achieve a goal or hit a target. Risk takers facilitate innovation in an organization.
And even knowing that if the risk doesn’t work out, it’s not a big deal. Every risk taken is an opportunity to learn valuable lessons.
20. Responsible
As a responsible individual, you are conscious of your decisions and ensure they either lead to self-improvement or help others. Driven by a sense of purpose, you will not hesitate to accept the consequences of your actions and decisions.
Image by Diva Plavalaguna via Pexels
21. Organized
You carefully plan and keep things orderly. This means you’ll be good at bookkeeping and won’t arrive late to meetings or work.
Because all aspects of your life are organized, your productivity will increase. You’ll won’t miss instructions from your employers and will avoid making costly mistakes as well.
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22. Optimistic
It doesn’t matter how dreadful the situation is, or how seemingly insurmountable a challenge may seem, you are still hopeful. You have faith that everything will work out fine.
Because you are self-motivated, everything becomes an opportunity rather than a set back. You will in turn inspire and motivate your coworker, maintaining a high energy level, and cheerful approach to solving problems.
23. Energetic
You are always active, and don’t feel tired no matter how strenuous a task is. There is never a dull moment with you and you literally walk into a meeting and lift everyone’s mood.
24. Emotionally Intelligent
Understanding and having reasonable yet uncomfortable conversations with your colleagues will be a piece of cake. You strive to keep your emotions under control even in the roughest circumstances.
Easy management of your emotions simply means you can manage and influence others.
25. Grateful
It means you never feel entitled and deeply appreciate any form of kindness and help that comes your way. The more thankful you are, the happier and more productive you will be.
26. Self-controlled
You are not easily distracted – not by your emotions and certainly not by external variables. You are also able to regulate your feelings and responses to avoid unpleasant outcomes.
Image by Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels
27. Meticulous
As a perfectionist, you pay close attention to detail on every task, project, or report assigned ensuring that there are no mistakes. Also, you want to get things done at the right time and would never settle for haphazard work.
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28. Deliberate
A deliberate worker is one who carefully acts or moves with purpose. You are not directionless. All your actions and decisions are backed up by logical reasons.
They may take you a while to arrive at but that’s fine as long as there is a destination you’re targeting.
29. Resourceful
You are good at devising solutions to tackle a problem when things don’t go as expected. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the dying minutes, you’ll always find a way around the challenge.
30. Self-directed
You are so in tune with your behaviors and attitudes that you never strive to impress anyone. Even when your actions don’t go as planned, you don’t hesitate to accept responsibility and make amends.
31. Ingenious
Due to how smart or talented you are, you can easily discover or come up with thoughtful ideas – the kind that will leave your colleagues wowed.
You are also resourceful since you know a lot about everything.
Image by Alena Darmel via Pexels
32. Persuasive
This personal strength will be useful if you applied to work in a sales role. You can naturally make people believe or do a particular thing – in this case, buy a product or subscribe to a service.
One of your natural gifts is knowing what to say and when to say it to get someone to bend to your wishes.
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33. Outspoken
You speak your mind and give your opinions in an honest and forthright way while being tactful. As much as you are confident and bold with your feelings, you also know when best to speak and when to let things slide.
34. Friendly
You are kind and pleasant to people. Your friendly gestures will facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing within the organization.
35. Polite
Work environments are healthier when employees are civil and have mutual respect. Rather than insult or make nasty comments about your colleagues when they get on your nerves, you politely communicate your feelings.
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36. Observant
Nothing ever goes unnoticed around you. You pay strict attention and observe your surroundings constantly.
The more watchful you are, the better you get at spotting gaps, errors, and mistakes that should be fixed, increasing your efficiency and output level.
37. Versatile
Aside from the current role you are applying for, you also have other skills that are beneficial to the organization. Let your employer know these skills and how you’ll use them to serve the company whenever the need arises.
38. Faithful
A faithful employee will never spill trade secrets nor will they take actions that will jeopardize the welfare of the organization. You are loyal to the core and will keep to your end of the bargain once employed.
39. Trustworthy
You are honest in your dealings. This makes you reliable, responsible, and easily trusted.
40. Flexible
Nothing is set in stone and you always work around impromptu changes to ensure that work goes on.
Image by Cottonbro via Pexels
41. Dedicated
You are deeply passionate about the role and as such will give your all to ensure that you hit every target assigned.
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42. Disciplined
Over the years, you have trained or conditioned yourself to exude good behavior. You also have a knack for following due processes and ensuring orderliness.
43. Prudent
You are not one to rush making decisions. You are careful and practical, which usually results in wise judgments.
44. Open-minded
Since nobody knows it all, you are receptive to new ideas and opinions, free from prejudice. You always want to know what other people think and don’t get defensive if someone holds a different opinion from you.
45. Focused
To solve your tasks when due, you always draw up a plan to follow, ticking off the priorities first before plunging into the minor tasks. This also means that you don’t procrastinate.
You also have a clear picture of where you are going career-wise and how you are going to get there.
Image by Yan Krukov via Pexels
46. Innovative
You love experimenting and discovering new ways of doing things. That means you always come up with original and creative ideas to solve problems.
47. Impartial
With you, there is no partiality. You carry on with what’s morally right and fair no matter the consequences.
48. Enthusiastic
You are always eager and happy to get on with your job.
Wrapping Up
This list of personal strengths has given you an idea of the valuable qualities every employer wants. Remember not to downplay any of them during your interview.
You are there to sell yourself and to convince your interviewer that you are the best person for the job. Talk about any of these strengths above, relate them with your past job experience, and explain how these traits benefited your previous organization tremendously.
Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.