15 Best SAS Dashboard Examples 2024

Big or small business data is critical to running modern enterprises. But there is so much of it out there, with over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated every day.

That is why companies are increasingly turning to data analysis and business intelligence tools like SAS to help them make sense of it all.

Besides extracting and analyzing the data itself, a core part of using these tools is data visualization via dashboards. It allows analysts to communicate complex data information in a simple and accessible manner, regardless of their analytics expertise.

There are different SAS dashboard styles to create, depending on the data and the story you want to tell. It means you can be creative and tailor your designs to each audience.

In this blog post, I will be discussing 15 great SAS dashboard examples. Feel free to apply any of them or use them as a starting point for your next visualization project.

Best SAS Dashboard Examples

1. Games Report Dashboard

This example is for a video game company that produces many games in different genres. It examines how the company’s products across multiple genres influence revenue.

The dashboard also shows the relationship between the critical reception of a game and the amount made in revenue from it.

As is, the dashboard is tailor-made for a game company. Still, the visualization design applies to any business that wants to track multiple products.

What This Dashboard Does

With this Games report dashboard, you can track and extract insights about:

  • The biggest revenue driver for the company by comparing the median revenue per genre.
  • A bar graph to visualize a similar relationship between income and class.
  • A Scatter Plot that compares the critic rating of each game for each genre and their revenue.
  • Access to additional analysis comparing games by platforms, countries, and mode of playing.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

Here are a couple of reasons why this is a great dashboard:

2. Pandemic Tracking Dashboard

Most of the world would like to hear the last of COVID-19, but there is no denying it brought us some good things. They include remote work, decreased carbon footprint, and cool SAS dashboards like this one.

It is a beautiful-looking dashboard that uses many visualization elements and customization support available on SAS.

The dashboard tracks the countries leading the number of new cases, confirmed cases, and deaths. Scientists and regular people alike can use it to see the uptick in cases and COVID-19 victims worldwide.

While COVID-19 will eventually fade into the background, you can still use this dashboard to track other global data points.

What This Dashboard Does

Using this dashboard, you can visualize data such as:

  • Three tables for the leading entities in a category, in this case, confirmed cases, deaths, and new cases
  • A map showing global hot zones and unaffected areas
  • Bar graph to show the trend in cases over some time

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Straightforward to capture and analyze global points
  • Has a low barrier of entry. Practically anyone can interpret it.

3. Global Sales Dashboard

There are numerous replicated data points to consider for businesses with a presence in multiple countries. This dashboard is a streamlined way for business executives to track the entire organization’s financial performance on one page.

The dashboard shows the amount of sales the toy company is making daily per country. It also tracks other details like the sales per product and the total number of orders.

Finally, it pairs the financial information with customer satisfaction for the reader to observe how one is affecting the other.

You don’t have to be an international business to use this dashboard either. Analysts can use it to visualize any data that has the same data points across multiple entities with multi-year records.

What This Dashboard Does

There is so much business insight you can gain with this dashboard. For example, you can:

  • Read the bar graph to see which products are driving revenue.
  • View the pie chart to discover the countries with the largest customer base and trends over time.
  • See how sales are trending daily from country to country.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Helps product marketers and executives understand their customer base and product lineup better.
  • Has several subpages for in-depth analysis.

4. TSA Claims Study Dashboard

Studies and surveys provide valuable insight into human behavior. Unfortunately, for most people, they are unreadable because they contain a lot of technical jargon.

This dashboard takes that jargon and transforms it into understandable and interesting charts.

Aesthetically, it is not the most good-looking dashboard. Still, it makes up for it by packing plenty of information into one page. On one screen, you can learn about major findings from the study.

It also has a bland design that can suit most kinds of data across different industries. Simply plug in the data, and the dashboard is ready for an audience.

What This Dashboard Does

There is so much information on the page you can learn a lot without a deep dive into each one. You present details like:

  • Distilling major data points into individual graphs and charts.
  • Outlining additional details.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Easily condense data points from large studies into a readable form – all in one place.

5. Volcanic Eruptions Dashboard

Try this SAS dashboard if you want fun visualizations to practice with or visualize rare global events.

Its central visualization element is a map, along with a bar chart and contextual texts. It is a great example of engaging dashboards. The dashboard commands enough interest at first glance to compel a drill down into each data point by the reader.

This example is great for presenting world-spanning facts to an audience or capturing international locations for a business on a singular page.

What This Dashboard Does

The central goal of this dashboard is to show the locations of entities with similar characteristics, in this case, volcanos. It has:

  • Countries and their volcano eruptions
  • Fun facts about volcanoes and eruptions
  • In-depth factoids about each volcano

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • You can show your creativity through color combinations and textual content.
  • The multi-layered design allows you to put world-spanning facts onto one page.

6. Santa’s Performance Management

Someone made this funny dashboard as part of a holiday challenge. While it won’t help you track Santa and his reindeer, you can track worker performance alongside business logistics with a similar one.

If you run an HR team or oversee a few workers, this dashboard can help you map their abilities. It also allows you to allocate responsibilities to workers efficiently by pairing their strengths with business needs.

This dashboard further examines performance management in comparison to business targets and goals, allowing you to track changes and redeploy your workforce accordingly.

Lastly, the Christmas theme is an example of the customization options on SAS.

What This Dashboard Does

Performance management is the name of the race with this dashboard. Using it, you will be able to track performance-related data points like:

  • A bar graph for the number of production toys, arranged by categories.
  • A pie chart comparing how many nice and naughty boys and girls will receive a toy.
  • A map for the fastest way to deliver the toys.
  • Another bar graph comparing the reindeer workforce.

By interpreting information from each panel, the reader can determine which solution is best for solving a particular problem.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • HR managers can use it to make informed recommendations about staff responsibilities.
  • Helps managers maintain flexible control of the workforce.

7. Meteorite Landing Dashboard

Here is another one with a similar template as the Volcanic Eruptions dashboard discussed earlier. Like that one, this dashboard is for displaying rare similar events around the globe.

The map is the primary visualization element, combining with other methods like bar charts, line graphs, and contextual texts.

However, unlike the Eruptions dashboard, this one uses smaller dots to represent data points on the map, allowing it to pack more data into the same space. It makes it a useful dashboard for analyzing data of any size.

What This Dashboard Does

It allows you to visualize every event worldwide on a single page. You can see the location and access additional information about each one by selecting them.

With the bar chart, you can also see the classes of frequent meteorite landings and where they happened.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Allows you to present global information in a simplified and stylish manner.

8. Speed Dating Study Dashboard

Even though it might be about speed dating, this is another great example of how much information you can pack into a SAS dashboard.

The creator built this one as part of a predictive model for attraction between two people using multiple data points from a study.

A dashboard like this doesn’t just present information in a digestible manner, but it serves as a conduit between facts and wisdom. Laying all the relevant information out like this allows you to identify factors driving a recurring result.

What This Dashboard Does

The biggest goal of this dashboard is to show the reader as much information as possible. It does this by making use of a bar chart, line graph, column chart, treemap, and heatmap.

With each visualization element, you can:

  • Track the top participants in the study by career, field of study, and sex.
  • See how many dates they went on and why.
  • See how often the participants went on dates, etc.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Present multidimensional information in a simplified manner.
  • Predict the likely result of future dates.

9. Network Performance Dashboard

Customer satisfaction is integral to any successful business, particularly those in the service industry. This dashboard is a great way to present relevant information to customer service personnel that helps them resolve customer issues.

In this example, the service is a telecom company. It tracks the technical specification of the customer’s device and shows the network’s performance on their device.

This SAS dashboard is a good example of capturing complex technical data and presenting it in digestible form to laypersons.

What This Dashboard Does

This dashboard is all about customer device profiles. It reveals details such as the manufacturer, model, and OS version.

There is also a bar chart comparing the network speed based on different categories to determine significant differences.

Further down the dashboard, the reader can track the cities the customer has visited and the cell towers they have connected to recently.

It also has embedded dashboards in subtabs revealing additional information about customer behavior, network speed, and service.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Customer service team members are better informed to recommend solutions to users.

10. Water Quality and Consumption Dashboard

This dashboard is for public utility managers to track the quality of water and the consumption rate in a community. They can use it to figure out wastage and control the quality of water served to consumers.

It also has sub boards. Rather than overcrowding the page, each data category gets enough attention and in-depth analysis through visualization elements and explanatory texts.

What This Dashboard Does

It is an interactive dashboard that uses a combination of maps, explanatory texts, and bar and line graphs to present information.

  • With the map, the reader can see the properties consuming the most water.
  • There is also a line graph to show consumption over time.

Also, the entire dashboard uses three main visualization elements – maps, bar, and line graphs. It adapts these elements in every analysis, creating a consistency that makes the dashboard familiar to a reader.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Track the quality of water consumed by residents.
  • Monitor consumption rate over time for adequate planning.

11. Warranty Analysis Dashboard

Warranties can be a major money-loser for businesses. A dashboard like this allows owners and product managers to track the labor and material cost of fulfilling them.

Analysts can use it to track the most affected parts and recommend changes in production.

While this was made for an auto company, creating and using a dashboard like this enables you to figure out money losers for any business over time.

What This Dashboard Does

The overview page shows a summary of the data entered to create the dashboard. It shows the total claims made by customers, the cost in labor, parts, and the warranty value.

It also uses a bubble graph to show the change in labor cost and a layered bar chart to compare gross material, labor, and additional amounts.

In other tabs, the dashboard uses indicators and line graphs for additional cost and labor analysis.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Helps engineering and product design teams track quality and improve manufacturing processes.
  • Provides information for owners and executives to devise cost-saving measures.

12. Banking & Risk Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard continues the trend of using sub-boards to fit in additional visualizations. It is a risk analysis information page for banking officials and executives to track the status of the bank.

It covers everything from capital exposure to competitor analysis and operating income. It is a nifty way to collate all the relevant data for resource allocation and ensure the bank is in good shape.

As always, this dashboard works for other corporate or business entities.

What This Dashboard Does

This dashboard primarily visualizes the net operating income of a bank by region. You can access summarized information for each area and drill down for details such as income for each state.

Furthermore, a bar graph breaks down the operating income by business units for each quarter.

There is also a table, pie chart, line graph, and bar graph to analyze loaned funds, competitors, and further relevant details in the sub-boards.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • The dashboard gives a full overview of the health of the bank.
  • Provides decision-makers with a bird’s eye view of the history, present, and possible future of the bank.

13. Happiness Analysis Dashboard

One of the advantages of SAS is how much it supports creative expression when it comes to dashboard customizations. This Happiness Analysis dashboard is a great example of this.

It is a single, simple-looking page that combines several visualization elements. This example is excellent for presenting results from studies and surveys and useful if you track data on a global scale.

What This Dashboard Does

This Happiness Analysis dashboard uses maps, tables, a bar graph, and indicators to visualize its data.

  • Using the map, you can see the countries with the highest happiness score.
  • Tables show the happiest countries and their scores for different categories.
  • A bar graph to view the happiness score distribution.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

14. Retail Insight Dashboard

Businesses that move a lot of products and spend a lot of marketing money need to understand how the latter is driving sales.

This dashboard captures this relationship in multiple ways, giving the reader insight into product and marketing performance.

Product managers and executives can get additional information through secondary dashboards that drill further down into each category.

Also, while it is not colorful, the dashboard strikes a good spatial balance between packing in a lot of information and readability.

What This Dashboard Does

The Retail Insight dashboard provides product and marketing analysis for an organization. It achieves this using visual elements like bar charts, line graphs, indicators, a map, tables, and a pie chart.

The dashboard also contains explanatory text that provides context. With this dashboard, a reader can:

  • Learn the return on marketing money for products in different departments.
  • Track the performance of each region in the Geographic Effectiveness tab.
  • See the marketing impact on every product.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • Has clear and understandable visual elements.
  • Can be used to improve resource allocation and improve product identity.

15. Season Ticket Analysis Dashboard

The final SAS dashboard example today is this Season Ticket Analysis Dashboard. It is for the business wing of a sports team, although still useful for event managers too.

Creativity-wise, it uses a good blend of color and visualization elements to create an appealing dashboard. As for the data, the main page and tabs are arranged to tell a story in a linear order.

Event managers and sports executives can use a dashboard like this to track ticket prices over time in different categories and the locations of those buying them.

What This Dashboard Does

This Season Ticket Analysis dashboard is all about extracting quality insight from ticket data. Thanks to the information, sports team administrators can shape their pricing and marketing decisions in the most effective way possible.

The dashboard accomplishes this with the use of:

  • A color-coded bar chart to compare price classes and track price growth.
  • A map to pinpoint the location of ticket holders.

Main Benefits of this Dashboard

  • It is a great way to figure out a customer base and extract the best value from it.
  • Quite easy to understand, and thus, can be used by less tech-savvy managers.

Why Use SAS?

SAS fulfills many of the qualities you want in a capable business intelligence tool. You can use it to access and analyze raw internal or external data of any size with relative ease.

The tool also comes with support for forecasting, modeling, statics, and linear programming.

Beyond that, it has a nice, simple, and intuitive interface that makes it accessible for beginners and experts alike. This makes it easier for companies to adopt.

Lastly, the SAS engine is efficient at data processing and analysis. As a result, visualization, particularly of large amounts of data, is faster.


A dashboard is a major communication tool for sharing analyzed data about a business. It should be understandable, engaging, and digestible in quick bits. A dashboard is supposed to make it easier for organizations to gain hidden insights into their enterprise.

These dashboard examples are designs that meet these criteria and are samples of what is possible with SAS.

Feel free to apply them as is or modify them for your own analysis. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

About Author

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.