Learn about Segments
The below faqs are a list of answers about Amobee Segments. If you’re an Amobee DSP client, please visit our Help Center for more tips and tricks.
Frequently asked questions about Segments on the Amobee DSP (Part 1)
How are audience segments managed on the Amobee DSP?
Audience syndication and experience within Amobee DMP is managed directly by the Amobee support team, while working closely with your team.
Through the Amobee DMP, you can build complex segments via a powerful Boolean segment rule builder that combines data from any first, second and third-party sources (including purchase data) to create custom audience segments.
The Segment Builder allows you to explore Amobee's vast data marketplace of third-party data, which includes a variety of global vendors. The rule builder in the Segment Builder supports AND, OR, NOT logic, frequency, recency and velocity-based rules, and rule nesting with real-time updates to audience size forecasting.
For additional tips, refer to the Segment Builder Best Practices.
Can I access a data dictionary for segment definitions?
The standard data dictionary for various data providers is available via Amobee's Audience Builder. Within the Audience Builder, you can search by keywords, categories, data providers and data contracts to find relevant data segments for activation and even view scroll-over descriptions.
You can also apply multiple levels of targeting to ensure your data segments are inclusive of your strategic target. Amobee does have a standard off-the-shelf data dictionary for segment definitions but we do not allow users to download the data dictionary.
Does the Bid Forecaster get refreshed after a segment is created and used in a line item?
Amobee Platform supports forecasting based on segments that a line item uses. If an existing segment is added to a line item, then, there’s no delay in forecasting, but if a new segment is added, then there is some forecasting delay.
Can I use the Segment Builder to forecast for audio?
No, the forecasted audience on Segment Builder is primarily based on display and video inventory. However, you can still target audience segments on audio inventory.
How does CPM data fee blending work with multiple segments (segment stacking)?
The data cost given on the Amobee Platform for segments using "OR" logic is created using a simple weighted average. It's generally accurate, but since we can't predict the exact data cost of segments using OR logic, it should be treated as directional. When using "AND" logic, the data cost is an average of all combined categories that the user falls into.
Here's an example:
Think about the individual categories as lists.
- List 1: (Person A, Person B, Person C) Data Provider Cost: $1
- II List 2: (Person B, Person D, Person E) Data Provider Cost: $2
AND logic: We can only target Person B, for which we pay the provider of the list 1) $0.50 and the provider of list 2) $1, for a total of $1.50
When audience segments are flagged for data restrictions (GDPR/NAI), what does that mean?
Under GDPR, certain data categories are sensitive and cannot be used for targeting in the EU:
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Political opinions
- Religious or philosophical beliefs
- Trade union membership
- Genetic data
- Biometric data
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation
Under NAI, certain data categories are sensitive and cannot be used for targeting in the US:
- Social Security numbers or other non-publicly available government-issued identifiers
- Insurance plan numbers
- Financial account numbers
- Information about any past, present, or potential future health or medical conditions or treatments, including genetic, genomic, and family medical history, based on, obtained or derived from pharmaceutical prescriptions or medical records, or similar health or medical sources that provide actual knowledge of a condition or treatment (the source is sensitive).
- Information, including inferences, about sensitive health or medical conditions or treatments, including but not limited to, all types of cancer, conditions predominantly affecting or associated with children and not treated with over-the-counter medication, mental health-related conditions, and sexually transmitted diseases (the condition or treatment is sensitive regardless of the source).
- Information, including inferences, about a user’s sexual orientation.
An audience segment is flagged as sensitive if it uses data that targets one of the sensitive data categories as listed above. Regarding GDPR-sensitive audience segments:
- Amobee prevents our clients from running campaigns using a sensitive audience segment and targeting the EU region.
- If a client is running a global campaign and using a sensitive audience segment, Amobee will provide a notification to the client letting him/her know that delivery will be affected in the EU due to GDPR regulations.
- If a client is running a campaign outside of the EU, sensitive audience segments can still be used.
Regarding NAI-sensitive audience segments:
- Amobee prevents our clients from running campaigns using a sensitive audience segment and targeting the US region.
- If a client is running a global campaign and using a sensitive audience segment, Amobee will provide a notification to the client letting him/her know that delivery will be affected in the US due to NAI regulations.
- If a client is running a campaign outside of the US, sensitive audience segments can still be used.
Can I combine CPM and % of media rate types when building and targeting a segment?
No, you cannot combine data categories with different rate types (e.g., CPM vs. % of media) when building a segment in Segment Builder. You also cannot target segments with different rate types in one line item.
If I make changes to a seed audience after a look-alike segment has been created, will the look-alike segment update to reflect those changes?
Yes, when changes are made to a seed audience, look-alike segments are updated, but not immediately. Users are scored against the look-alike model and added to the look-alike segment on a daily basis. However, the look-alike model is refreshed every four weeks, so changes to the seed audience are not reflected immediately.
Frequently asked questions about Segments on the Amobee DSP (Part 2)
Can I combine CPM and % of media rate types when building and targeting a segment?
No, you cannot combine data categories with different rate types (e.g., CPM vs. % of media) when building a segment in Segment Builder. You also cannot target segments with different rate types in one line item.
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